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Thursday 2 February 2012

EU regulators start investigation with Samsung over antitrust concerns

If being in court every day over patent issues in 10 countries isn’t enough, now EU regulators are investigating whether Samsung Electronics breached antitrust rules by accusing rivals such as Apple of infringing its technology patents.
Last year, Samsung filed for injunctions in several EU countries againt competitors for infringing patents. Back in 1998 Samsung pledged to license its patents to the European Telecommunications Standards Institute on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms.
“The (European) Commission will investigate, in particular, whether in doing so (seeking injunctions on patent infringements in 2011) Samsung has failed to honor its irrevocable commitment given in 1998 to the European Telecommunications Standards,” the EU executive said.
Did Samsung abuse its dominate position with these actions? So far Samsung hasn’t made a comment.
It’s also possible other companies like Motorola could be subject to this same investigation. If the European Commission finds any company in breach of EU competition rules, they could fine them up to 10 percent of their global turnover.

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